Tuesday, July 31, 2012


Joey spent a week at day camp with our church. The theme was "No matter what, Trust God" I was so excited that he was learning that principle, not knowing how much that would soon apply to my own life.
Within days I (we) had been hit with several things financially that I had no idea how we were going to fulfill. As I was discussing (ok i was complaining!) these with Dusty, Joey says from the other room "God is better.."
I stopped mid-sentence and in that moment realized God was speaking to me through Joey.

Later on at church, a friend of mine described a person being tied down by balloons representing "burdens". One by one the balloons were cut and sent into the air, representing releasing them to God. I visualized each burden of my own, one by one, being released. I felt so much lighter:)

That night I recalled some of the miraculous stories that came out of the horrible tragedy in Colorado. One young woman had a bullet travel through her nose all the way to the back of her brain. Nerve damage was inevitable. But, doctors discovered she had been born with a defect, a tunnel of fluid, and guess what? The bullet traveled through that tunnel, not damaging a single thing in her brain. God had provided protection for her 22 years prior to that horrible night.

The same God that orchestrated those miracles, was still the grand conductor of my "problems", which all of a sudden weren't as overwhelming anymore.

I won't ever claim to understand why tragedy occurs, but I will proclaim that I know God does miracles, IN the midst of tragedy. Gods still God, no matter what we as humans choose to do.

No matter what I see others doing...trust God. No matter what anyone says...trust God. If people let me down...trust God. If I'm afraid, weak, or tired...trust God.

He knows me better than I know myself. I won't always get what I want, but I will get exactly what I need!

What's holding YOU back from trusting Him?

1 comment:

  1. Amazing truth Lindz...thank you for posting this and being truthful...love and miss you!
